Curriculum (english)

Christiaan SANTINI
Nationality: Italian / Dutch
Place and date of birth: Rome, 19th May 1979
Address: Via di S. Maria dell’Anima 61 - 00186, Rome
Phone numbers: Home +39 06.9826.0595
Mobile +39 347.876.9063
* 2008/2009 Master post-lauream Degree in “Cultural Heritage of the Church”
Pontifical Gregorian University
Graduated summa cum laude
* 2005 / 2007 M.A. Degree in “History of Art”
Specialisations: Flemish and Italian art in the XV, XVI and XVII Centuries
University RomaTre
Graduated cum laude 110/110
Thesis: “The Fugger commissions in XVIth century Rome
Tutors: Prof. Giovanna Sapori, Prof. Maria Lupi
* 2001 / 2005 B.A. Honours Degree in “History and Conservation of Artistic Heritage”
University RomaTre
Graduated cum laude 110/110
Dissertation: “360 Flemish painters in Rome between 1590 and 1630 – a census
Tutor: Prof. Giovanna Sapori
* 2004 Royal Dutch Cultural Institute, Rome
Workshop on Caravaggio and Caravaggism between Rome and Naples
by Dr. Bert Treffers
* 1999 E. Q. Visconti” Highschool, Rome
School Certificate in Humanistic/Classical Studies
* Italian Mother tongue
* English Proficient (certificate English language University “RomaTre” – 2001)
- Reading and oral comprehension: excellent
- Writing and oral expression: very good
* Dutch Proficient (advanced course diploma, level “VWO”, University of Technology Delft)
- Reading and oral comprehension: excellent
- Writing and oral expression: good
* Spanish Intermediate
- Reading and oral comprehension: very good
- Writing and oral expression: medium
Curator of the contemporary art exhibition “scARTi” by Henrica van Velzen at the Palazzina Azzurra
(San Benedetto del Tronto) and at the Libreria Rinascita (Ascoli Piceno) in collaboration with the Municipalities and PicenoAmbiente.
2007 - 2010
Partner in charge of both the apparatus criticus and the teaching aids for An organization aiming to promote knowledge and appreciation of the art collection of the four main museums of the City of Rome by taking life size copies of the artworks to the suburbs.
Essay author and curator of the exhibitions “An impossible exhibition? The Museums of Rome (2007) and “From Renaissance to Caravaggio” (2009-2010), both events organized by in collaboration with the Municipality of Rome and the Sopraintendenza per il Polo Museale Romano.
Teaching assistant of Italian art and history courses at the Richmond University Campuses in Rome and Florence. Performed in English.
Author of essays for several contemporary sacred art exhibitions in Rome.
Freelance Tour guide for Italian, Dutch and English-speaking groups visiting Rome and surroundings as well as Florence, Naples and Venice. Collaborator with several agencies in the field of tourism and education ( Dei Italy, Persoonlijk Rome, PGR and others). Official license as tour guide issued by the Regional Administration.
Proofreader and research assistant for the Italian version of the book: Donna Orsuto, Holiness,
Continuum, London, 2006 (Essere santi oggi, LUP, Roma, 2009).
Collaboration as essay translator from English and Dutch into Italian, with the Dutch Academy of Florence, for the preparation of the catalogue for the exhibition: “Florence and the ancient Low Lands (1430 – 1530). From Jan van Eyck to Raphael”, scheduled at Palazzo Pitti (Florence) from June to October 2008.
Collaboration with the antique bookshop La Linea d’Ombra in Rome (Piazza Campitelli), preparing catalogues and online sales.
Computer skills - Microsoft Office applications
- Online research at a high level
Other - Full clean driving licenses A and B
Available on request.


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