Videos & More

Chris the Guide tells you his point of view about art and monuments

My videos:

Jubilee Itineraries in Rome:

I luoghi dei Giubilei attraverso i secoli

Chris the Guide alla scoperta di via Giulia

Hidden Middle Age Rome

Bernini vs Borromini

Seeking Caravaggio

The Colosseum 

Iglesia de la Conceptión Real de Calatrava, Madrid (italian)

Versus - Bernini vs Borromini 2014

Il grande match barocco (italian)

Grande Galerie of Art, The Roman Churches

Chris for Mekomy

My podcasts:

The best art documetaries on web chosen by your guide Chris

About Italian Art (click on the titles to watch the videos):

Travels with Giorgio Vasari

Bronzino. The Prince of Mannerism

Medici: makers of modern art

The Madonna of the Meadow, Raphael

Michelangelo: David (Private life of a Masterpiece)

Who killed Caravaggio? (BBC)

Bianchi Bandinelli racconta la Colonna Traiana

Renaissance: A. Graham Dixon (BBC)

Treasures of Ancient Rome (BBC)

About European Art:

Art of Spain

Pieter Paul Rubens

Rembrandt vs Caravaggio (Graham-Dixon)

A night at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

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